Lost American: Put Me in a Spell

От Тиль Тобольский,02/15/17
  • 1316 просмотров
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Produced by Petra Garmon
Director | Jordi Estrada
Director of photography | Lluis Ferrer
Assistant Director | Claudia Jorba
Production manager | Manel Rubíes 
Art co-directors | Elena Ponsada & Martí Pavia
Stylist | Eus Cantó
Make Up | Rosana Muñoz
Editor | Alex Llenas
Colourist | Yulia Bulashenko
Casting | LANE casting
Cast | Felipe Avendaño, Marçal Bravo, Kämäl Möhänd, Manel Muñoz


Music ©2016 Chris E. Kelley

Why would the moon decide to rise tonight?
Why don't we spare this hopeless rock?
Support is weak if the foundation
Collapses in a blink

Why are the stars so bright
while we dance in this moon-lit night?
I am falling - no more thinking
since you put me in a spell

Cannot overlook this
Come into the moment
See the light beyond the shadow fall
Threads that tie together
Binds that run between us
Stars that trace the story of you and me.

Gotta get together

Put me in a spell

I feel you in my bones
and I'm afraid to be alone
when there's a celestial body
such as you

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